Monday, 13 May 2013

You SHOULD check the blog!!

Hello lovely students,

Today we talked about modal verbs of obligation. We began by looking at some class rules...

We talked about the difference in meaning between the modals and thought of some examples for things you must / mustn't / should / shouldn't / have to / don't have to 
a) In the army
b) When you meet your partner's parents for the first time

We talked about the very small difference between 'have to' and 'must' in some situations...

Have to = a rule someone else gives you 
Must = a rule you give yourself

We got some tips on how to be rich from a listening exercise...

They forgot 'you should marry someone very rich'!!
We talked about what a perfect English school should be like. You said...

The school should have free wifi, vending machine and a water fountain.
Students must speak English and do their homework.
Teachers shouldn't be late or use facebook in class.
The school must be free!! (But someone MUST pay my salary???!!)

For some more practice click here.

After break you designed your own English schools, 'The Londoner', 'Real English School' and 'The Deep End'. You discussed what your school would be like - Name, slogan, facilities, accommodation, social activities, location, price  etc. Then you presented your school to the class. You did brilliantly, well done!

Your homework is to design a comic strip using eight modals of obligation. It is due tomorrow, good luck!

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