Welcome to my online classroom. Here you can review the work we studied in class, check your homework assignments and more! Remember, if you would like to email me your homework please do so at hannahsenglishclassroom@live.com
Monday, 24 June 2013
Forgive and Forget
Today we talked about forgiveness. Here are some expressions which we learnt...
Here are some more interesting questions and quotes about forgiveness for you to ponder...
Welsh teachers are great!
Today we studied countries and nationalities. Here is the board...
We talked about things that are Italian, Spanish and English. Try and practice here.
See you tomorrow!
Friday, 21 June 2013
Thursday's Vocab...
Even though the lesson was exciting...I'm excited about the weekend!
Today we studied verb 3s. We learnt that some verbs are regular (ed endings) and some are irregular (different endings and words). I can't help you much with irregular verbs...you just have to study them at home. But I can help you with regular verbs and how to pronounce them! Here is the board...
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Try this test online to revise! |
I am so excited about the weekend! (I feel excited)
Action movies are really exciting! (A characteristic of action movies is that they are exciting)
Try this quiz online to help you revise.
You also had your one to one feedback today which was great. Goodbye everyone...It was great teaching you all this week, just me and you on Monday Antonio!
Today's Corrections...
Here are the corrections we didn't have time for in class... Take a look at your mistakes first and try to correct them yourself and then scroll down to see the corrected sentences...
If I would be this power I could not use it
I think that I good person
God is the person what can kill this person
Don't more poverty, don't more hungry.
After two years I dicover there were a mix up
I can't tell her you not my children
If something tell me in a week there is nucleur war
I walking to some place in my city that I like too much
The bomb will explode only few time after
I never was in this situation
Innocent peoples
The ask isn't very simple
Eduardo Z
If I wouldn't have this finger I couldn't pick my nose
I prefer to have nine fingers and will be alive
In this dilemma what do you prefer
To kill him wife
He only need this finger to the trigger
Eduardo S
I would to move to a different country
In facebook
A very good relation with their families
A good job, I'm fullfilling
It's very difficult to don't speak your job
Twice good, twice much money
You don't can to be a spy
I don't like the person who speak only the job
If I had this power I could not use it
I think that I am a good person
God is the only person who could kill this person
No more poverty, no more hunger.
After two years I dicovered there was a mix up
I couldn't tell her she wasn't my child
If one told me in a week there was going to be a nucleur war
I would walk to some place in my city that I really like
The bomb would explode soon
I have never been in this situation
Innocent people
The question is difficult / It's a difficult question
Eduardo Z
If I didn't have this finger I couldn't pick my nose
I would prefer to have nine fingers and be alive
In this dilemma what would you prefer
To kill his wife
He only needs this finger to pull the trigger
Eduardo S
I would move to a different country
On facebook
A very good relationship with their families
A good job, I'm fullfilled
It's very difficult not to speak about your job
Twice as good, twice as much money
You can't be a spy
I don't like people who only speak about work
I hope this is useful guys. Have a great weekend! See you on Monday :-)
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
I have learned the present perfect..When did you learn it it? TODAY!
Well done on your reading and listening tests today, you all did really well :-)
We corrected the homework and talked about to, at and in...
Today we looked at the present perfect tense. We use the present perfect when we talk about an experience in an unknown time in the past...
Remember that when we give detail (more information) we use the past simple.
Example: I have visited Spain - it was hot
present perfect past simple
We will study this more tomorrow... so don't panic!!!!
Remember your presentations are tomorrow.. I hope you are ready!
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Moral Dilemmas
Remember that you must prepare a presentation talking about the moral dilemma which I gave you in class today!
If you liked considering.. 'What would I do if...' then you might be interested in this!
(practise your reading skills too!)
Here are some 2nd conditional information and online exercises to help you with your 'I would...' sentences on Friday.
See you tomorrow!
Family Fortunes!
I thought that you might like to watch an episode of the family fortunes game which we played on Monday...
We went OVER and UNDER the rope and ACROSS and ALONG the tape
Today we learnt about prepositions of movement. Here are the prepositions which we covered...
We looked at WHEN we use the prepositions and WHAT they mean...
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Practise here and here |
You guys did an excellent job following my preposition instructions and dares :-) Very funny lesson!
After break we worked on our listening skills and talked about airports, planes and flying. Here is some of the vocabulary which we covered...
See you tomorrow guys!
P.s Don't forget your writing exercise tomorrow! I want to see everybody's essays on my desk tomorrow morning!!
Transport and Travel
On Monday we studied different types of transport. Here are all the different methods of transport which we came up with...
Try this online memory game for revision!
Here is some transport vocabulary which we covered...
See you soon!
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
I read Hannah's blog to revise the class :-)
Today we started the lesson by watching the amazing Stavros Flatley on Britain's Got Talent. Here they are again with another fabulous performance...
Don't forget your homework, the grammar worksheet I gave you in class today.We will correct it together tomorrow.
The truth will set you free...
Here is the board from today...
Also, I was wondering which countries were the most corrupt in the world so I did a quick google search...
2. North Korea
3. Afghanistan
4. Sudan
5. Myanmar
6. Uzbekistan
7. Turkmenistan
8. Iraq
9. Venezuela
Monday, 10 June 2013
FCE Past Paper Answers
I have just remembered that I said I would publish the answers to the FCE past paper which I gave to my Int class a few weeks ago and totally forgot! SORRY!!
Here they are lovlies!!
I am going to study 'the future'
Today we started out lesson by talking about continents and the world. You drew the worst map of the world that I have ever seen!
Here is the vocabulary we covered...
If you want some more practice try clicking here and here.
Remember your homework, a worksheet on 'going to'. We will correct it tomorrow.
Welcome to the Elementary blog!
Here is a blog to help you revise everything we learn in class!
Here are the pictures of the board from last week..especially for you Valdecir!
Thursday, 30 May 2013
If my day had been less busy you would have read this blog earlier!
OK so here is the vocab from today...
And here is the grammar, the third conditional...
You can practice the third conditional here and here
Remember: We have a test tomorrow! In the test will be...
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Eddie Izzard runs quickly and tells jokes wittily
Hi everyone,
Today we started by finding out how adventurous you are and correcting your 2nd conditional homework. Next we watched a clip of the marvellous Eddie Izzard on stage talking about language, we read an article about his sporting achievements, here's the vocab...
We had a very vocab heavy lesson today... here's some more...
Next we looked at different types of adverbs. Remember, an adverb describes a verb or and adjective...
Your homework is the worksheet which I gave u today. We will correct it together tomorrow!
Ps sorry this blog is a little disorganised... im blogging from my phone on the train... the wonders of modern technology!!!
See you tomorrow :-)
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
If you changed your mind would you change your tune?
Today we began class by talking about change. We thought about different kinds of change - political, environmental, personal, career, image etc. We did a reading exercise, here is the new vocab...
We moved on to talk about conditionals and had a general review of the first and the second conditional. Here are the boards...
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revise and practise here |
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Revise and practise here Try here for general first and second conditional revision. I have given you a worksheet for homework. Remember only to complete the second page! See you tomorrow! |
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Beyonce, The King of Spain and a Lovely Sandwich...
Today we began by revising uses of 'like'. I think everyone feels confident with this now, here's a challenge for you... can you write a sentence using ALL the different uses of like?
I really like it when you ask me if I'd like to go for dinner (like yesterday) because you look like Brad Pitt, we can eat at your house if you like - what's your cooking like?
After this we looked at a reading exercise about strange travelling experiences. Here is the vocabulary we covered...
After this we looked at articles. There are three options when deciding what to use before a noun.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
I like Australia, it's like New Zealand...We can visit, if you like...
Sorry this is a late blog, I have been very busy today!
We began today's lesson by FINALLY finishing off the past perfect tense!! Remember your challenge... try and use the tense when you speak English at least once a day!
Next we did a reading exercise all about Dannii Minouge and her home country Australia. For those of you who don't know who Dannii Minouge is here is a taste of her in her glory years... I'm sure you'll agree, hers is an opinion to be taken seriously...
Here is some of the vocabulary which we covered...
We moved on to talk about the use of 'like'. We use like as both a verb and a preposition. Here are the boards...
Your homework is to make 2 sentences for each example. We will review this tomorrow. Have a great night!
(Aslan this is for you and everyone else who has had this song stuck in their head since our lesson!!)