Friday, 21 June 2013

Today's Corrections...

First of all a massive WELL DONE for your presentations today. You really were excellent!

Here are the corrections we didn't have time for in class... Take a look at your mistakes first and try to correct them yourself and then scroll down to see the corrected sentences...



If I would be this power I could not use it

I think that I good person

God is the person what can kill this person

Don't more poverty, don't more hungry.


After two years I dicover there were a mix up

I can't tell her you not my children


If something tell me in a week there is nucleur war

I walking to some place in my city that I like too much


The bomb will explode only few time after

I never was in this situation

Innocent peoples

The ask isn't very simple

Eduardo Z

If I wouldn't have this finger I couldn't pick my nose

I prefer to have nine fingers and will be alive

In this dilemma what do you prefer

To kill him wife

He only need this finger to the trigger

Eduardo S

I would to move to a different country

In facebook

A very good relation with their families


A good job, I'm fullfilling

It's very difficult to don't speak your job

Twice good, twice much money

You don't can to be a spy

I don't like the person who speak only the job



If I had this power I could not use it

I think that I am a good person

God is the only person who could kill this person

No more poverty, no more hunger.


After two years I dicovered there was a mix up

I couldn't tell her she wasn't my child


If one told me in a week there was going to be a nucleur war

I would walk to some place in my city that I really like


The bomb would explode soon

I have never been in this situation

Innocent people

The question is difficult / It's a difficult question

Eduardo Z

If I didn't have this finger I couldn't pick my nose

I would prefer to have nine fingers and be alive

In this dilemma what would you prefer

To kill his wife

He only needs this finger to pull the trigger

Eduardo S

I would move to a different country

On facebook

A very good relationship with their families


A good job, I'm fullfilled

It's very difficult not to speak about your job

Twice as good, twice as much money

You can't be a spy

I don't like people who only speak about work

I hope this is useful guys. Have a great weekend! See you on Monday :-)

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