Wednesday, 19 June 2013

I have learned the present perfect..When did you learn it it? TODAY!

Hi everyone,

Well done on your reading and listening tests today, you all did really well :-)

We corrected the homework and talked about to, at and in...

Today we looked at the present perfect tense. We use the present perfect when we talk about an experience in an unknown time in the past...

Remember that when we give detail (more information) we use the past simple.

Example: I have visited Spain - it was hot  
                present perfect      past simple

We will study this more tomorrow... so don't panic!!!!

Remember your presentations are tomorrow.. I hope you are ready!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You Hanna!
    I have never been so happy in English lesson, than in your conversation lesson. Your topics are very interesting and you are really cheerful,kind girl. Evereybody loved you, and your lessons.
    I also would like say thanks for your extra help.
    I wish you the best,
